If you believe you have email issues and not receiving email into your Outlook mailbox use the following checklist to confirm the issue:
- Are there any Internet/connectivity issues in your area?
- If YES then this will be the problem and prevent emails coming into your mailbox.
- If NO go to 2.
- Check your phone. Are the messages coming into to the phone by doing the following:
- Turn off WIFI on your phone
- Can you can pick up emails via your mobile phone network to mail on your iPhone
- If YES then email is working fine and it is a local machine problem and go to 3.
- If NO then login to Office 365 (link below) with your account and password and check mails are coming to your Office 365 mail. If necessary try sending a test through.
- https://login.microsoftonline.com/
- IF YES then it is a local machine problem and go to 3.
- IF NO – Contact Solvd by raising a ticket on the Helpdesk (link below)
- http://helpdesk.solvd.co.uk
- https://login.microsoftonline.com/
- In Outlook on your local machine check that on the bottom right does the status state “Connected to Microsoft Exchange”
- If NO Click by the status and click on Connect to Microsoft Exchange. If the status changes below to “Connected to Microsoft Exchange” this should resolve the problem
- IF YES then exit Outlook completely and restart it and check 3 again.
- IF still NO then contact Solvd by raising a ticket on the Helpdesk (link below)
- http://helpdesk.solvd.co.uk
- IF still NO then contact Solvd by raising a ticket on the Helpdesk (link below)